Sunday, March 25, 2007


...ansiosa pra te conhecer...

...meu irmaozinho que esta grandao e ja virou titio!!

1.Where Christ is present in faith, the home is church, too.
2.Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal, trusted relationships - often in our own homes.
3.Faith is caught more than it is taught.
4. The church is a living partnership between the ministry of the congregation with the ministry of the home.
5. If we want Christ children and youth, we need Christian adults/parents around.
It was a part of the seminar I watched in a Creek conference called BARNELEDER.
Some famous speakers from US, who I didn't know from before, and I really admire now: Sue Miller and David Anderson.
And I can say, after the conference, I feel so grateful...
Grateful for my family and the education they gave me, for my parents and my brothers. It was there where I learned how to give the first steps. Each "home service" at night when I was small got a very precious value. We used to look forward to the meetings, we use to fight to organize the folders, to choose some songs, listen the story and sometimes to listen not so good things about us.
I was growning up and learning to receive people at the paper, I was the leader of the youth, but who really was doing everything were them. My father used to take each one to take us to the movies or even to take us to another city...even after he had worked for the hole night.
Every wednesday, we had cell group at home. After working, they always prepared some food for us. The group got so big that they had to buy more chairs. Around 50 people every week, who used to leave very late and make lots of noisy...Many who didn't feel comfortable at the church, but felt in my house.
Remembering the year that my grandparents leaved at home, my mother was in a hurry all the time, but never complained she was tired.
My friends still can go to my house when I'm not there. Many times, instead watching a movie with me, they were sitting in the kitchen next to my mother to talk with her...(isn't it Silvana?? hehe).
David Anderson told us he started a campain: INVITE A FRIEND TO YOUR CHURCH. It means: invite your friends to your home, because there is your first congregation. This what I learned since I borned. And this is why I'm so grateful to have my parents as example for me.
At the same time, I always believed we were the perfect family and now I know we were so much far to many problems, so many things I didn't agree. But again, David remembered us how the Christianity was built through people who were making mistakes all the time. And this is how the Holy Spirit works, through HUMAN BEINGS, when they are sincere.
I would like to write all the Bible examples he gave us. But it's enough to say how many times my parents told us their mistakes. How many times they told me things I didn't think they should say...
"There is no real faith without doubts! But it's walking in faith with doubts in GRACE!"

I received a lot, I learned a lot, had so much good examples, and now it's a big responsability to apply all of the same time, the only thing I really expect and want is a family who is sincere, honesty about everything and then, together, we can be a church.

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm so sorry for my norwegian and international friends that I got to know here in Norway...
I know that I have this blog to keep in touch with you, and it suppose to be in English!
It has been difficult to write something in English. It's easier to take it in portuguese, and believe: it has not been easy to write it in portuguese also! I never can finish my thoughts and never can express what I'm feeling in words.
But I want to share with all of you about my life in Oslo and what I have been learning here. Maybe everybory should learn portuguese!!

Nothing matters more than knowing God’s purpose for your life, and nothing can compensate for not knowing them. (Rick Warren)

I think this is the question that I'm always asking God...What do you want from me??? And sometimes, I know His answer and it is: just REST and TRUST. It's everything for free, by my grace (Salmo 37:5; John 16:6-7 and Romans 8:32). At the same time, something moves inside me and makes me feel so grateful and longing for God that I feel I can not just stay where I am, in my comfortable life, pretending that nothing is happening around me...

What happens outwardly in your life is not as important as what happens inside you.

Just to feel it, I know that God is working in my's not from me. Maybe this feeling, this wish of doing His will is enough for Him. But still, I don't understand...God is who makes us to want and realizes...My question for these months left is that yet..."What should I do? Where do you want me to be?"

Everything you do can be spending time with God if he is invited to be a part of it and you stay aware of his presence.

...While I don't know the answers...the only thing I can try to do....


Foi uma conferencia estudantil em Bergen do dia 23 a 25 de fevereiro. Milagrosamente, nao choveu!!! Essa e a cidade que mais chove na Noruega...a Rafaela que o diga, foram quantos dias mesmo??? Mais de 3 meses, nao?! Nisso devo dizer, gracas a Deus, estou na capital! Mesmo sem poder desfrutar da paisagem ma-ra-vi-lho-sa de Bergen. Montanhas por todos os lados. Na estrada, ja dava para perceber a mudanca de paisagem. Muita neve, algumas vezes era impossivel ver a estrada. Mas como todos os noruegueses, com muita cautela, o motorista dirigia vagarosamente...os 500 e poucos kilometros duraram horas sem fim na estrada, aprox 10 horas. Tudo super equipado, cheio de tecnologia: sabe aquelas televisoeszinhas onde vc ve o caminho, traca o trajeto, ve o mapa, enxerga onde vc esta...tudo isso...nao era sonho nao, era realidade. No meio de tanta tecnologia, a estrada mais cheia de curvas que eu ja experimentei, se me lembro bem, ganha das serras quando desciamos para Santa Catarina...nao tinha como nao passar mal naquela serra de Juquitiba...eeecaaa!!!! Pois e, relembrando a infancia...

Relembrando a infancia tambem nos hinos antigos, ainda que cantados em noruegues. No meio das agitadas cancoes e "worship songs". Seminarios ministrados por pessoas pra la de importantes na Noruega: uma madre que estuda o Big Bang, um general, um homem de negocios, uma professora, entre outros...contando um dia mais humilde que tambem dei um seminario sobre a escola da qual faco parte.

Pra complementar, um autor famoso, sueco, de uma igreja "pentecostal". E que fique bem claro que no sentido noruegues, quase todas as igrejas sao pentecostais...e nao ha preconceito nisso, ou algumas vezes...Bom, que pregacao!!!! UAU! Sentia como nos bracos do Pai, voltando a essencia do primeiro amor. Chamada ao deserto. Descansar e confiar. Quando o que mais importa e estar na presenca de Deus. E pra ajudar, encontrei a Livia, esteve no mesmo intercambio ha dois anos atras, com quem eu pude compartilhar, conversar, orar e ser encorajada.

Tantas coisas para contar...mas o sono e maior que eu...e mais uma vez nao consigo expressar tudo o que eu gostaria...

Essa foi a primeira coisa que vi no jornal quando cheguei em Oslo...amor a primeira vista, e tive o privilegio de passar 3 dias ali, ser tocada e abencoada, encontrar novos e velhos amigos. Ouvir frases malucas em portugues (esse povo de Bergen, viu..). Conhecer noruegueses que nasceram no Brasil...(eita confusao!), falar muito portugues...

Portuguese meeting...essas sao duas das meninas que estiveram no Hald e foram pro Brasil

Livia, veio para a Noruega ha dois anos pelo intercambio da ABU. Casou e agora se prepara para o campo missionario...Timor provavelmente...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Estou sem palavras...
Deus e muito bom...
Tanta coisa tem acontecido nesse ultimos dias.
Talvez eu devesse comecar a contar todos os detalhes de todos os dias, pq senao, nao tenho como contar o desenrolar de mesmo tempo, nao tenho tempo pro computador e o que mais tenho aprendido, ou pelo menos tentado, e viver AQUI e AGORA.
Estou um pouco deprimida...NAO QUERO IR EMBORA!!! Calma, calma... vou explicar... se e que isso e possivel...
Todo mundo fala tanto de missoes transculturais. A gente olha para os missionarios como herois. Missao como uma coisa grandiosa. E vou dizer a verdade, nada e tao grande como parece, mas tudo e tao complicado como nao parece. O que eu quero dizer e que...nao ha nada de tao especial em ser missionario num outro pais, o que ha de especial e o que Deus faz nas nossas vidas quando se esta numa cultura diferente, o quanto voce aprende a olhar para si mesmo e para seu pais, o quanto voce se desapega a tudo que nao e essencial, o quanto as mudancas marcam a sua vida. Mas ao mesmo tempo, nada e tao bonito e colorido como se ouve por ai. Entender uma sociedade diferente, se comunicar, nao ser olhado como um estranho no ninho e principalmente, se comunicar. Se comunicar e a chave de tudo, ser conhecido, conhecer, entender o que se passa ao redor. Tudo isso leva muuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiitoooo tempo! Nao e preciso ler muito sobre antropologia para descobrir o quanto isso leva tempo, o quanto se adaptar numa nova cultura nao e tao simples...
Mas dentro de todas as "complicacoes", tenho que dizer, que eu amo a Noruega. Fico impressionada com o sistema, com o governo, a educacao, o sistema de saude...e tudo mais. Da para ver valores cristaos em todos os lugares. A honestidade, a funcionalidade de tudo...(se e que existe essa palavra..)
Enrolei, enrolei e nao vou conseguir explicar todas as coisas... mas resumindo, Deus tem sido muito bom e consigo comecar a enxergar meu papel aqui, ainda que eu so tenha 2 meses em Oslo. Esse final de semana foi ultra especial. Muitos amigos, muita oracao, muito compartilhar e muitos desafios. De repente, Deus respondeu tantas das minhas perguntas aqui. E de repente, encontrei tanta gente tao sedenta, de Deus, de amor, de amigos. Todos muculmanos. A quem eu aprendo a cada dia a admirar, a amar, a conviver.
Obrigada, Senhor!