Indo pra capela na sexta de tardezinha e ja estava tudo tao escuro. Muita, muita neve nas montanhas. Os noruegueses correm demais e adivinhe se nao ficamos pra tras...e pior, nos perdemos!!! Mas gracas ao celular, encontramos um pessoal que vinha logo atras...5,5km na neve, no frio, mas vale a pena pra ver toda a paisagem maravilhosa....

A famosa capela no meio da floresta. Pertence ao Laget e é incrivel ver o cuidado que eles tem com ela. Todos os finais de semana temos cultos ali e muitas pessoas caminham por horas para assistir.

Aprendendo a fazer o famoso wafle noruegues! Todo mundo tem que trabalhar no domingo. E todo domingo temos o famoso cafe na igreja, onde vendemos varias coisas.


Nessa hora apareceu um rato...e os higienicos noruegueses, que nunca viram um rato ficaram surpresos, preparam as cameras, deitaram no chao...tudo pra ver um nojentinho rato no meio da sala....diferente do que a Rafa diria, todo mundo sentado bem pertinho, com altas conversas, gente de varias partes do mundo...

Caminho de volta...neve, neve, neve...tres horas e meia de caminhada na neve, alguns tombos, muitas subidas, mochila pesada...isso sim que e trabalho!!! hehehe..Mas nao tenho do que reclamar!!!!

In Lillestrøm, representing NOC (Niteroi Oslo Cooperation): Lar's project. Acctually, a very nice project that you should get to know!!!!!! In the embassy stand where I got to know very nice people!
Playing soccer against norwegians. I got to know the girl who was the responsable for me make up in the children. She has been in Brazil and probably will come to the CU.

Green people...and Marcos in the background (he is working in the embassy)

My brasilian friends: Cintia (with her portuguese accent - not brasilian!!) and Rafaela (guria tri legal who came to visit me in Oslo)

Picking up a name to give a trip to Brasil
I don't know what I was feeling...missing my norwegians friends (Hald's students, they were at Hald before go for many different countries), missing my new norwegian friends that I got to know in Oslo, missing my family and my friends at home in Brazil...
This time, the farewell party was different. Few people. Quiet. In the dinning room. Just Siri and Monica (teachers). I had to share...(a little bit scaring!!!).
Again, it was really nice to meet my international friends and listen how they are living, what they are learning and what God is doing in their lives. And again, I had a very special roomate...who prayed with me almost every day and shared her life with me...THANK YOU!!!!
Giullian (Kenya) and me
Tow weeks to rest, meet the international students and think about what we are doing here, how was this time and how it should be in the next months.
A surprise trip on Saturday...to the zoo in Kristiansand! Very nice to meet this people again...missing the norwegians at Hald. Nobody was awake so late to talk and play Legretto...(hehe...Marte...we missed you!!).

Me and Johnson (Uganda)

Preparing to go the zoo...
The girls from my house

After a seminar about how to treat the girls and the boys, we had to pick up a little paper with some name and find your pair...I was Lara Croft and this is Brad Pitt!!!! hehehe...

After the dinner, we walked to the church and had a beuatiful service there

The most organized good bye that I have ever seen
On December 27th, I went to a camp in Mesnali, arranged for Laget and NMS for teenagers from 14 to 18 (I think!). I had just arrived from the Christmas and after that, had to finish my paper yet. I was so tired that I really didn't want to go, I just needed to rest!
I arrived very tired and didn't have energy to talk. It was not so easy to talk with the teenagers also. They were afraid of speaking English. I started to feel so lost, as I have never felt before in Norway.
After some days, I could talk so much with the girl in my house. They were just talking English all the time and saying for the other: Don't be rude, speak English! They were special and important for me. I was impressed to listen them speaking English so well and telling deep things about their lives. I got to know a very kind and nice guy, who tought me some funny norwegian words!!! "ER DET MULIG??? NEI; IKKE VET JEG!!!!!". Acctually I got to know him because he was always alone in the last line in the services, and I was always going there and asking: Can you translate for me, please? Now I think he doesn't like so much...but I was asking him to help me, since he was alone and not afraid of speaking English (and very weel!!). In the last day, he accepted Jesus...and it was a surprise for me that he was not Christian...It was the best new year's eve present that I could get!!!
It was the first time that I went to ski also!!!! I felt down so many times...you can't control yourself...it's a very strange feeling!!!
It was very funny!!!!!!
Cold?!?!?! Not for the norwegians!!!

Valeu demais as noites mal dormidasansiando a paz perdida, pretendidaque eu já não sabia mais onde é que fora se escondervaleu o tempo de esperar o teu querer...Valeu demais os dias mal passadoscaminhando atrás de planos mal tracadosque eu só posso agradecera tua mão que me livrouValeu o tempo de esperar, mas já passou...Pois eu estou bem certo breve tempo de aflicãonão pode comparar-se a nossa eterna salvacãoE os dias de tristeza servem mais pra destacar a imensa glória e honracom que Deus vai nos brindarValeu demais, valeu o tempo e o contra tempoque essa estória traze cada vão momentoFica cheio de esperanca que é a certeza da presencado Senhor, em cada passopor onde eu for!(Guilherme Kerr)
We just finished a movie called Hotel Rwanda.
The film is about the real story of Paul Rusesabigina, who was able to save 1268 lives in genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
I’m shocked.
It’s true, I never think about war. I never think it still exists.
Remembering ENCA – training in ABU (Brazilian Laget) – I’m recalled to a simple life. How can we have so comfortable life, nice clothes, nice house, nice car…and just ignore everything else around us???
Looking all that people in the film just sending so many letters and waiting the world just to look at them. Send help. Do something.
I was just wondering all my refugees friend from the Norwegian classes and all that that I interviewed to my paper at Grønland (in Oslo) in that scene. And this is why I cry. They are safe here, but still not feeling loved. Not feeling accepted.
There are so much to do. We have to change our eyes to the world (not for our own world). How can we start?
Coming to google, what I discovered is that Brazil sells chocolates for countries in the war. I just can say that I feel so shy to read that. Around 1.000 enterprises exporting for different countries like: Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Cong. In the last year, just Garoto Chocolates exported 800 ton for Iraq, for US$1,5 million for a country without most important items to life. “In July, we lost 3 trucks with food products. Every day they have to trading with some radical groups to pass in some ways and other times, they need to change the way”. Just sold for 3 times the international price.
“It’s no risks. In the last 6 months we sent US$ 100 mil for Iraq” – says the director who gives hospital materials, especially for babies.
“The only reflect is that they can ask a extra tax, a war fee, because it’s a conflict area”
Since 2004 yet, we sell 16 ton per year of candies and caramels. It’s US$ 27-28 mil in each time.
Between January and August in this year was sold US$ 52 million to Iraq, US$ 1,6 million to Afghanistan, US$ 44 million to Haiti and US$ 111 million to Libyan. Among sugar, tobacco, meat and chicken machines, ethanol and candies.
“That is attractive in a country with war is that many of them are disposed to pay the urgent price. Besides that, when they start to rebuild the country, you are already there”

Estamos de volta! Depois de 3 meses em Oslo, estou de volta a Mandal. O tempo passou voando!!!
Agora só os estudantes internacionais, já que os estudantes noruegueses estão espalhados por diversas partes do mundo. Um pouco diferente dessa vez, uns quilinhos a mais, cabelos curtinhos ou tão compridos, muitas roupas de frio...mas o que mais sinto falta é de cada um dos estudantes noruegueses.
Estou com saudade de Oslo, de cada um dos amigos que fiz lá e até mesmo dos não tão amigos...não é tão fácil conhecer as pessoas quando não se fala a mesma língua, nunca imaginei que as barreiras poderiam ser tão grandes, claro, a gente tenta se comunicar em inglês, mas nunca é a mesma coisa...enquando cada olhar, cada gesto, cada favor tem um significado muito maior. Aprendo a valorizar as pequenas boas coisas da vida! E é no meio dessa Torre de Babel que me lembro da nossa natureza caída e corrompida.
Temos tido um programa mais tranquilo, com pouco mais de tempo livre. Precisamos descansar do corrido final de ano, onde todos estiveram trabalhando nos frios acampamentos. Também precisamos refletir, pensar no que passou e refocar no que virá. Afinal, já estamos no meio do programa!!!
E mais uma vez fica evidente todo o cuidado e atencão de cada um dos professores para cada um dos alunos. Nos sentimos cuidados, abencoados, protegidos.
Voltando, posso ouvir cada um dos testemunhos e ver o cuidado e acão de Deus na vida de cada um. Muitas oracões respondidas. Muitos coracões apertados, saudade de casa, dos namorados, da comida. Mas todos muito gratos por tudo o que tem acontecido. Aprendendo muitas coisas, cheios de sonhos...