Thursday, January 04, 2007

We just finished a movie called Hotel Rwanda.
The film is about the real story of Paul Rusesabigina, who was able to save 1268 lives in genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
I’m shocked.
It’s true, I never think about war. I never think it still exists.
Remembering ENCA – training in ABU (Brazilian Laget) – I’m recalled to a simple life. How can we have so comfortable life, nice clothes, nice house, nice car…and just ignore everything else around us???
Looking all that people in the film just sending so many letters and waiting the world just to look at them. Send help. Do something.
I was just wondering all my refugees friend from the Norwegian classes and all that that I interviewed to my paper at Grønland (in Oslo) in that scene. And this is why I cry. They are safe here, but still not feeling loved. Not feeling accepted.
There are so much to do. We have to change our eyes to the world (not for our own world). How can we start?
Coming to google, what I discovered is that Brazil sells chocolates for countries in the war. I just can say that I feel so shy to read that. Around 1.000 enterprises exporting for different countries like: Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Cong. In the last year, just Garoto Chocolates exported 800 ton for Iraq, for US$1,5 million for a country without most important items to life. “In July, we lost 3 trucks with food products. Every day they have to trading with some radical groups to pass in some ways and other times, they need to change the way”. Just sold for 3 times the international price.
“It’s no risks. In the last 6 months we sent US$ 100 mil for Iraq” – says the director who gives hospital materials, especially for babies.
“The only reflect is that they can ask a extra tax, a war fee, because it’s a conflict area”
Since 2004 yet, we sell 16 ton per year of candies and caramels. It’s US$ 27-28 mil in each time.
Between January and August in this year was sold US$ 52 million to Iraq, US$ 1,6 million to Afghanistan, US$ 44 million to Haiti and US$ 111 million to Libyan. Among sugar, tobacco, meat and chicken machines, ethanol and candies.
“That is attractive in a country with war is that many of them are disposed to pay the urgent price. Besides that, when they start to rebuild the country, you are already there”


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Per Oddvin Stornes said...

Hei Tais!
Godt Nytt Aar!
Hope you had a noce Christmas and New Years celebration! We were in Kenya for New Year. It was fun to visit the team there! I must have forgotten to log out from y msn, because it was not me you were talking to! Say hi to everyone! Miss you all!! It's only 3.5 month until we'll see you again:)


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