My house: I live with more 7 students. They have been so nice and helping me all the time.
In the CU - Christian Union, one of the meeting that we attend. It´s on wednesday for international people. We always have a nice dinner with a different food. In that day the girls from Nepal were cooking with Tim from Canada. In the last week, was me and Suemmey who cooked.
My dear friend Marianne...in a greek restaurant where we went just to drink coffee!!! Funny time...

One of the churches that I went
Sometimes we need to be critic, boring...because just when we analyse we discover the mistakes and can get better...
But what I am experiencing here is the opposite...with a inocent look, I think that everything is perfect and many times it seems that the motivations and norwegian intentions toward God are so alive and true. Look for what is essential, with innocence teach me also.
Go to the church, full of liturgies, seems very boring for a brasilian used to listen (and do) complains about the service or to see inovations (always!).
I really can feel God´s presence and see the people sheding themselves, broken in God´s presence...it makes me think that the problem is in the form...of our hearts...which goes just to analyse everything and not to meet with the Lord.

My first days in Oslo...
In these 3 first days we have been so busy!!! Yesterday and today we spent our holy day in the Laget´s office helping to prepare some surprises for the camp tomorrow. This camp is to meet some of the 8 thousands people who supports Laget´s work. They pray and give financial support. It´s very nice to see how the organize and always have someone praying for your work. It was really nice to be there in these first days and get to know more people to don´t feel lost and alone.

Laget´s bookmarker

Suemmey and Eldbjørg

Waiting the train in Kristiansan, with so many luggage in the rain....
Moving to Oslo!!!On Friday I moved to Oslo. I was not believing...acctually, I´m still not believing that I´m not coming back to Hald. Arriving here, we went for one of the Laget´s meeting in the university. On Saturday morning, we went to a camp with the people that we are living with. There were around 17 people. It was a great opportunity to know the people better and make some friends. Coming back on Sunday, I was really tired...we had to walk for 1,5 hour in the forest to the city and take the underground...in each step I was praying to God give me strengh and I was feeling like He was carrying me. Arriving home, after took a shower, rested...reading in my bedroom...I start to miss Hald so much, to feel alone...while I was saying exactly this to God...my mobille rang: was Marte, my roomate!! It was so nice to talk with her!!! Again, I was feeling how God was looking for each detail.
I slept and some time after, the phone was ringing again. I looked for my mobille and it wasn´t calling. When I saw the phone in my room shining. Trying to awake, I said: ALO? (in portuguese!!). When the voice answered: Is Daniel there? I went down to look for him when I met some of the girls who lives with me and start to talk. Then, another guy arrived to talk and started to tell many things about his life and faith. I was really surprised, I would never imagine a norwegian and talking about faith with someone new. Then another guy joined us to talk and we decided to pray for each other almost in the middle of the night.
With these little details, I can feel that God is in the control and taking care of me and my fears...I just can say: THANK YOU LORD!!!
The little princess arrived!!!!!!!!!! Hudson e Tatiane, my brother and my sister-in-law. Aren´t they a beautiful couple?? I´m sure they are!!!
I deserve all the hapiness for you and this little baby. Her name is Julia. She borned on September 20th.
I´m really looking forwad to come back just to take her in my lap and kiss her... I wish I could come back just for a while to see her... besides I don´t know her yet, I feel that she is a part of my life...

My mother, she is looking so good as a grandmother, isn´t she? The most careful woman that I´ve already known in my life (I´m not saying this because she is my mother!!!). I have to confess that I´m jealous seeing this.....hehe

My father, the grandfather now!!! Always showing the videos of her in his mobille... I´m going to loose my throne...sniffff...but I´m sure that they are going to take care of her so well as they have done with me...
Sometimes, it´s not so easy to be so far...when you see many new and good things are happening with the people that you love...