Como é difícil expressar aquilo que você pensa e sente em outra língua...Como é possível gostar e sentir tanta saudade de alguém que ainda nem conheco????
Como é difícil expressar aquilo que você pensa e sente em outra língua...Como é possível gostar e sentir tanta saudade de alguém que ainda nem conheco????
It is true that I am getting to know so many interesting places!
Beautiful buildings
Going to parties
There are so many new things every day! It would be impossible to write all of them here and ilustrate with all my photos. All of this new and nice things are a part of beeing abroad in a new culture. As well to feel lost some times and do not understando what is goind on. But I think that summarize what is beeing really important here can be describe with Samuel Escobar's word in his book:
"...In my own limited experience within the IFES, I am acquainted with hundreds of missionaries whose call to service came at the time they were students...I have already mentioned movements that minister among young people and students, movements that have been more open to taking risksby creating models of sensitive multicultural missionary teams. Participants have been able to look at their own culture from a critical distance. This has veen facilitated and reflection in the light of God's Word this has been an important training ground for mission...facilities for travel allow this educational process to be experienced through short-term visits involving immersion in others cultures, and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ in other lands"
This is our teacher from Hald, Siri.
She came to visit us, to know how the things are going, see where we live and talk. It was really nice to receive her here! Even if for so short time, we can feel that the people are taking care of us all the time.
Some of the students (some of the muslims can not apper in the photos)
She teaches me a lot...
Nils Peter, our teacher
Siri, other teacher
They made a party for us
...with a delicious chocolate cake...
Just to say good bye!
Today suppose to be our last day with norwegian classes. But God surprises us!!!
At first, we went to this class where the students can talk just in norwegian, since they are living here for a couple of years. In the begining, we were just observing and not understanding anything!!! I thought it would be impossible to talk with them some day.
It is still very difficult to talk with them. At least, I can understand a little bit now. And I try...I do not know so many words, some times I just have to write it because they can not understand my pronounciation.
Even if I can not talk so much, I learned so much. Much more than norwegian and the culture. I learned about people. How to get to know them, understand their cultures. Learn to love them. See that they were so open for us, so kind, always giving me some food or tea (even when I did not want to eat, they were insisting so much). It has been so nice to be with so different kinds of people, from differents parts of the world. Different religious and believes. Different backgrounds. Different languages.
I have been attending the classes just for 6 weeks. I could not talk so much. But I felt that I was really usefull, without saying anything. I felt that I had good friends. We went together to the Nobel Fredspris, where I could not be the same after look that and I could think that the peace has to start with us (how you can read in the last post, there are many different photos about different people in many countries where the have wars in the God´s name).
I have so many things to tell about these classes and this time. But it is so difficult to express everything in English!