Monday, March 31, 2008

PROJETO NOVO MUNDO: Isabele, Jaqueline e Milena
D. Maria Passador
Today I went to visit this project "Vinde a mim os pequeninos". I got impressed with things I saw and heard. Things we usually say as a joke, we couldn´t say there and it was hard to be aware of that...
I suppose to teach them how to brush their teeth, but some of the children don´t have water or energy at their homes! But no one complained about those things...on contrary, we could see a joy in everything they did.
Impressing also was some vonlunteers working there, for example, D. Maria Passador, she is going every Saturday mornings for many years to teach them the Bible and make food. Now she is also helping this new project, cooking every day, without earning any money for that and paying to help the children. Another girl, is Ana Laura, she is just finished with her studies, she is a portuguese and english teacher. One of the most inteligent person I know and know spending lots of time at this place. Two other people working there are: Maraíza and Nega.
There are only 20 children until now, going every day and getting food and learning lots of new things. While I was there, many mothers came to ask if we could accept their kids, but there is not more place now. People who pass in front of the house, get impressed, it´s the most beautiful house in the neighborhood, maybe one of a few painted houses there.
Besides my specialization course in Sao Paulo twice in a week (which I´m afraid of...), now I´m teaching at this project one morning in a week...becoming more and less dentist at the same time....

Friday, March 28, 2008

I've never gone to so many weddings in my life in a short time!
I thought maybe it's because I've been in Norway for almost one year..and I'm glad so of them were waiting for me to come back! =) ...or maybe I'm just getting old! =(
Since I came back, I went to Leila and Andre's, then Luana and Reinaldo's (both from my church), Leticia e Branco (she was one of the most special friends I got in my ABU group), Laise and Thiago. This Saturday I'm going to Lilian and Lucas (from my church) and on May, I'm going to be the godmother (?) again at Daniel and Karina's wedding.
Laise and Daniel are my cousin from different sides. Laise lives in Tupa, a bit far from here, but I always used to go there to visit my grandparents (from my father) and stayed at her home...gossiping all night...Daniel, I met more times, he is so quiet, but one of the most patient and best persons I know!
I'm glad I can share this time with them!!! But hopefully, I will have less paties next semester! =)
Some of the pictures I got from them:
Luana e Reinaldo


Leticia e Branco

I think everyone cried at her wedding. First, the energy got over , the cerimony suppose to be outside and started raining. She was at the hair dresser crying a lot... after 1,5 hour everyone was desperate - believe, she is never late! We have some different points of view about the Christian faith, but I always presenced miracles with her... I think because of her faith and because of her prayer. Her pastor went to the hair dresser and they say, God told them they should hurry up to the cerimony and it didn't matter if it would be darker, because He is the Lord of the Light and would make a miracle to show her it would be the first miracle of many. So, she just obeyed and decided to come in the darkness...she was coming into the place and we couldn't see anything, when after few steps, the light was shining all the room. But the most beautiful part, was when her step father came into the church singing for her and telling us their story - I think just people who knew them well understood what was that about - the death of her father, the prayer of a little girl, the insistence to get adopted by him, the friendship and blessings between them. ..
Talita, Thiago, Laise, Andrei (Laise's brother)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I´ve been so bad to keep contact with people and also for update my blogg.
Part of that is Julia´s fault! hehehe. She takes a big part of my time.
I still think of you and Norway a lot...miss you all...remember each moment.
But have no energy to write, specially in English.
Today I went to Sao Paulo again. I´m going almost every week. Or for a meeting at ABU office or for study...I´m starting a new course next week and had to apply and make a test before getting in.
Today our meeting was to interview people who applied to go to Norway in the same exchange program I was in...such a hard decision! We don´t have an answer yet, there too many things to consider and think of, also to pray. Hope we will take the best choice.
By the way, she is the most beautiful and sweet baby, isn´t she?!