"Conta-se que dois jovens se apaixonaram pela mesma moça. Um deles era falador, extrovertido e não demorou muito a conquistar a familia da sua amada pela desenvoltura e simpatia que exibia. O outro era timido e calado. A disputa parecia injusta e o resultado certo. Mas como passar do tempo a moça se decidiu, e lá estava ela no altar com o rapaz quieto. Então alguém perguntou ao falador, que da porta da igreja assistia a cerimônia: `Esta não é aquela de quem tu tanta falavas, toda a cidade a conhece de tanto tu falares dela...Por que se casa ela com outro? Qual foi o problema?`
Ele respondeu: `O problema foi exatamente este: enquanto eu falava dela, o outro falava com ela.
Mas importante que falar de Deus é falar com Ele.
`Este povo me honra com lábios mas o seu coração está longe de mim`. Deus julga o homem conforme suas intenções e não pelo resultado de suas ações. Se há dor no coração de Deus, esta deve ser uma das grandes. Deus não quer que falemos dEle tanto quanto quer que falemos com Ele.
Tais fra Brasil i Norge
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
I´m also trying to write some emails, but since I came back from IPL, I haven´t done anything.
First was really tired (after 3 weeks!), with so many thoughts...with many patients, missing Julia. Then, got sick (I´m yet...) horrible stomachaches...now I have so much to do...(Sorry people from ABU, cause I haven´t recorded all DVD´s yet and sent them).
But I hope I will do it next days and weeks...
This year, I had a different birthday party. Every year my parents like to make a small party with barbecue (the brazilian one, of course!) and invite some friends, most people from my church. But I didn´t want to, was just back from the camp, feeling most of my friends are not living here anymore, so we just went to a japanese restaurant, which is very nice. And my mother made her delicious cake... 

Sunday, February 03, 2008

There people asked me all the time: "What´s your vocation?". Everybody on the staff were sure about their calling to work in ABU. But the only calling I´m sure now, is to be an aunt!
I´m kind of enjoying it a lot! Today I had all day with Julia. Surprisely, they came (at 9a.m) to the church, had lunch in my home, then her parents left and we went to the circus!
I was not sure if she would understand or have fun. But all the time we saw the clown at the fliers, she wanted to kiss them.
It was a very simple circus, I didn´t know what to expect. It was also a long time since I haven´t gone to one.
But it was really fun!!! Not because of the shows, but because of her, she danced all musics, sang, called the clown all the time...with much attention looked at all details.
So, it was very nice afternoon for me!